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2023 OGP Local Call | Informational Sessions & Materials – Poziv za nove članove – Lokalno Partnerstvo za otvorenu upravu OGP Local – Udruženje mreža za izgradnju mira

Are you a local open government champion? Then apply to join the largest community of practice on open government and have access to:

  • a global networkwith more than 150 national and local governments and more than 3,000 civil society organizations in all continents working to advance open government; 
  • mentorships, research and knowledge products, peer exchanges, and thematic and issue-based learning circles;
  • sharing your open government achievements through OGP’s communication channels, events, and awards;
  • online structured orientation and ongoing training on open government.

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Local is announcing its expansion with a planned intake of up to 50 new local governments in 2024. The call for new members is now open and we will receive applications until the beginning of January 2024. 

Register for the next informational session here.

Access all the necessary information to prepare your application: 

The OGP Local Team stands ready to support you and answer any questions:

[email protected]


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